Building New Zealand esports together

Here's how a typical membership fee directly supports kiwi esport communities

Distributed to the community*
$ 0

*Updated January 2023.


Why your membership is important

The New Zealand Esport Federation is the recognised National Sporting Organisation by Sport NZ. The funding we are able to receive is linked to the size of our community and how many members we serve. Becoming a member is a way you can help support us in our vision to unite New Zealanders with each other, and the world, through esports.

Which membership is for me?

All members from 2022 and earlier will receive a NZ Esports founders membership coin


$ 25 Yearly
  • Free entry to NZ Esport competitions
  • Exclusive member discounts


$ 125 Yearly
  • Legal templates
  • Resources to grow your organisation
  • Feature in NZ Esports Newsletter


$ 175 Yearly
  • Tailored grant & funding support
  • Listed on our community page


$ 500 Yearly
  • Use of NZ Esports Supporter trademark
  • Feature in NZ Esports Newsletter

Full Member

$ 1,150 Yearly
  • Voting powers
  • All previous benefits

Protected Memberships

To ensure NZ Esports remains an authentic voice of the esport community, several specific groups are awarded full membership status in exchange for their services. These protected memberships allow all stakeholder voices to be included in the decision-making process. If you’re interested in contributing to one of these sub-committees, head over to our discord to connect with our other members.

Strategic Members – These memberships are awarded to other collaborative NSO’s, universities and other relevant governing bodies.

Special Interest Groups – Six (6) memberships for each of our special interest groups have been reserved for when any group has five (5) or more active members. These special interest groups are; Women’s, Education, Community, Māori, Inclusivity, and Players.

Regional Community Fund

What is the regional community fund?

The regional community fund is a NZ Esport regulated fund dedicated to helping support high impact regional initiatives that are unable to secure funding through other channels. This fund can be applied for by all community tier members starting in 2023.

National Esport Projects

What are ‘National Esport Projects’?

National esport projects are projects that NZ Esports are working to delivery operationally every year as part of the NZ Esports Strategic Plan

Can't afford a membership right now?